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紫杉醇 (Paclitaxel,商品名为Taxol)是存在于红豆杉属(Taxussp .)植物中的一种四环二萜酰胺类化合物 ,因其具有广谱强效的抗癌活性和独特的抗癌机理而倍受人们关注。然而 ,紫杉醇天然资源十分有限 ,自 1992年美国食品与药物管理局 (FDA)批准紫杉醇用于癌症的临床治疗以来 ,其供需矛盾日益尖锐[1 ] 。目前 ,普遍认为采用红豆杉细胞悬浮培养生产紫杉醇是解决其药源紧缺问题的最佳途径之一。迄今为止 ,在红豆杉细胞的代谢规律和培养方面均取得一定成果 ,但前景仍不容乐观 ,离工业化大规模生产还有相当大的距离 ,主要…  相似文献   
调查分析了浙北平原15个乡镇农业生态系统的结构和功能现状,采用聚类分析和相关分析相结合的方法,研究了系统整体结构与功能以及结构和功能两两指标间的相关性。结果表明,聚类分析能揭示系统整体结构与功能的相关性,有利于从总体上把握调整的方向;两两指标间的相关分析可以明确持定结构和功能指标间相互关系的密切程度和方向,为有针对性地进行结构调整和功能优化提供依据。  相似文献   
Summary. Few studies have investigated foraging decisions in collectively foraging social insects with no studies in termites. In termites predation is assumed to be a key mortality factor. Therefore, we experimentally investigated the role of predation pressure in foraging decisions of the fungus cultivating, mound building termite Macrotermes bellicosus in two habitats of the Comoé National Park (Ivory Coast). We used the indirect approach of measuring the Giving up Density (GUD), which is the amount of food left when individuals stop foraging in a food patch, whilst experimentally varying predation pressure. Three different conditions were examined: (a) natural predation, (b) no predation, and (c) experimental predation through artificial removal of termites. In the shrub savanna, foraging termites responded to increasing predation with increasing GUDs. By contrast, in the gallery forest, there was no gradual response. Instead termites abandoned a food patch immediately after an attack by predators. Without predation GUDs were lower in the savanna than in the gallery forest indicating that food had a higher value in the former habitat. This, together with the differential behavioral responses to predation, was in accordance with high availability of food in the gallery forest and a limited supply of food in the savanna. Thus, according to our results termites traded off predation pressure differently, according to the availability of food in both habitats.  相似文献   
Little is known about processes regulating population dynamics in termites. We investigated the distribution of mound-colonies of the fungus-cultivating termite Macrotermes bellicosus (Smeathman) in two habitats in the Comoé National Park (Côte d'Ivoire) with nearest-neighbour analysis differentiating between different age classes. These results were compared with ecological data on processes influencing population dynamics. High mound densities were recorded in shrub savannah while only a few mounds were found in gallery forest. Mounds were distributed randomly in both habitats when all mounds were considered together, and when inhabited and uninhabited mounds were treated separately. However, distinctive non-random patterns were revealed in the savannah when we distinguished between different age classes. Small, young colonies were aggregated when they coexisted with larger, older colonies, which were more regularly distributed. This indicates that the distribution of older colonies is influenced by intraspecific competition whereas that of younger colonies is influenced by opposing factors that lead to aggregation. This is in accordance with ecological data. Food is a limiting resource for large colonies, while patchily distributed appropriate microclimatic conditions seem to be more important for young colonies. Colonies that had formerly coexisted (i.e. living colonies and recently dead colonies) showed aggregated, random and regular distribution patterns, suggesting several causes of mortality. Colonies that had never had contact with each other were randomly distributed and no specific regulation mechanism was implicated. These results show that different age classes seem to be regulated by different processes and that separation between age classes is necessary to reveal indicative spatial patterns in nearest-neighbour analysis.  相似文献   
中华鳖对T3菌苗抗原的免疫应答   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过T3菌苗免疫中华鳖后的血清间接凝集抗体效价 (IAT)与免疫保护率 (PRP)的变化探讨了中华鳖的免疫应答规律。中华鳖对T3菌苗能产生较强的应答反应 ,免疫的二龄鳖PRP可达 82 6± 15 2 (19) % ,IAT达 1978 1± 716 4(19)。它对T3菌苗的免疫效应期为 3天 ,第 2 0天时免疫应答处于高峰 ,IAT与PRP分别为 176 8 0± 44 7 6 (4)与 91 7± 14 4(4) % ,持续 10天左右开始下降 ,到第 3个月左右基本上回复到免疫开始时水平。结论为 :中华鳖的免疫应答反应基本介于鱼类与鸟类之间 ,但较偏向于鸟类。  相似文献   
Arboreal ants as key predators in tropical lowland rainforest trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ants numerically dominate the canopy fauna of tropical lowland rain forests. They are considered to be key predators but their effects in this regard have only rarely been studied on non-myrmecophytes. A conspicuously low abundance of less mobile, mainly holometabolous arthropods like Lepidoptera larvae corresponds with ant dominance, while hemimetabolous highly mobile nymphs occur regularly and in large numbers in the trees. This is in contrast to the temperate regions where ants are mostly lacking on trees and holometabolous larvae are frequent. In this study we experimentally measured ant predation in the trees by offering caterpillars as baits. Fifty-four ant species were tested, of which 46 killed caterpillars and carried them away to their nests while only eight species ignored the offered larvae. Insecticidal knockdown fogging of ten trees after finishing the prey experiments showed that on average 85% of ant individuals per tree were predacious. With the analysis of another 69 foggings and meticulous observations in many other trees this suggests that arboreal ants are responsible for the low abundance of less mobile arthropods in tropical lowland rain forest canopies. Ant predation was significantly lower in a disturbed forest indicating that human disturbance induces a change in the functional interactions in these ecosystems.  相似文献   
分子标记及其在鸟类分子生态学研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分子生态学是一门相当新的分支学科,从前人的研究工作来看,分子标记在这个学科中应用非常广泛,本文描述了RFLP、RAPD、MinisatelliteDNA,MicrosatelliteDNA和AFLP这5个分子标记的优缺点及其在鸟类分子生态学中的应用和研究概况。  相似文献   
浦东滩涂中型土壤动物群落结构及土质酸碱度生物评价分析   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
1999年,对上海浦东滩涂4类不同酸碱度土壤中的中型土壤动物进行了调查。应用物种丰富度,个体数多度,多样性指数和均匀度4个群落参数,并结合种类研究,讨论了土壤动物群落结构与不同酸碱度土壤的关系。结果表明,土壤中弹尾目和蜱螨目对不同酸碱度土壤反应敏感。弹尾目的3个群落参数和蜱螨目的4个参数均很好地反映与土壤反应敏感。弹尾目的3个群落参数和蜱螨目的4个参数均很好地反映与土壤pH的关系,相关系数分别在0.9以上和0.85左右,在pH相差较大的情况下,可以区分不同酸碱度的土壤。弹尾目的符Tao(Paranura sp.)可用于评价酸碱度较接近的土壤,球角Tao(Hypogastrura sp.)可用于评价酸碱度相差较大,高pH或环境条件较恶劣的土壤。  相似文献   
莲藕的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1 植物名称 莲藕 (Nelumbonucifera)鄂莲 4号。2 材料类别 茎尖。3 培养条件  ( 1 )芽分化培养基 :MS 6 BA1 .0~ 2 .0mg·L- 1 (单位下同 ) NAA 0 .2 3.0 %蔗糖 ;( 2 )增殖培养基 :MS 6 BA 0 .5~ 1 .0 IBA0 .2 3.0 %蔗糖 ;( 3)生根培养基 :MS IBA 0 .5~1 .0 AC 1 50 0 蔗糖 5.0 %。以上各培养基加0 .6%琼脂 ,pH 5.8。 ( 4 )移栽用营养液 :1 /4MS。培养温度 2 5~ 2 8℃ ,每天光照 1 0h ,光照度 1 0 0 0~ 1 50 0lx。4 生长与分化情况4.1 茎尖的切取与分化 切取健康…  相似文献   
台湾海峡的砂壳纤毛虫研究(纤毛动物门:砂壳亚目)   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
依据壳体形态对台湾海峡南部0-40m水层的40种砂壳纤毛虫进行了观察,发现其中有3种新种,即倪氏表纹虫Epirhabdonella niei,Xu,Hong et Song,sp.nov.,网状条纹虫Rhabdonella reticulata Xu,Hong et Song.sp.nov,和钝条纹虫Rhabdonella obtusa Xu,Hong et Song,sp.nov.及17个中国新纪录种,同时确定新村网纹虫Favella shintsuensis Nie et Cheng,1947为一同物异名。  相似文献   
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